Wednesday 4 June 2008

Its funny how something thats so simple, basic, small and un-important to one person can be so powerfull, kind, important, generous even life changing to someone else!

Today i took one of the 24/7 teams to but 20kelos of oranges! we went to two main beaches in San-An and just gave them out! Man i love it!

My group went round to a beach mostly populated by workers, we had such a blast. Just chatting to people having a laugh, giving out oranges, they were gone in 2 mins!

we went and bought more and some cherries, some strawberries and mellon, gave it out!
The point of the exercise is firstly random acts of kindness. in a culture where people look after number one and are consumed by inward thinking, it is good to tackle that by drowning it out with outward thinking and kindness! Also it gives us oppertunities to talk to people about god who otherwise wouldent have wanted to listen. I have really felt God using my strengths to honour him! my enthouasam, my personality, my sence of humour, my "contagious excitment"
its good! Love it, if i can spend my life doing that alone it will be a life fufilled to the max!

God bless the oranges!! VIVA LE TROPICANO!!!