cake is good

Thursday 5 June 2008

Do you ever stop to think about how when you are on your own in the busiest place in the world it can be the most lonley place on earth!

Over the last few days i have noticed the amount of workers comming over here on thier own! to work and spend as long as they can here!
What we have been doing is trying to engage with people! Being a presence in the streets in so important!
WE have befriended people, been there to listen and witnissing to them.

I have developed a real dislike to the whole "in your face" evangalisim! God is in conversation, friendships, relationships, talks.
Yesterday dave had his birthday and i was in the center, a bunch of workers had baked him a cake!!!!! that read "jesus loves dave" on it! in the same as our jesus loves pornstars bibles!
We then invited them around for dinner and really got o know them. It makes me think, if Jesus was in the west end who would he chill out with? where would he go. Would he be in the clubs with drug takes, not joining in the drug taking but being a light for them to aspire to, a new direction in life? i think so