Gale force alarm clock

Thursday, 6 March 2008

A long walk against gale force winds, first thing in the morning, up the lead mines, is a great way to start a day!

Wind in your face, pushing against you as you try your hardest to get to where your going, telling you not to go.
Its hard work, when your half way up the hill the wind gets stronger, and the closer tot he top the easier it is to give up and by happy with where you are.
THen you make it to the top, the wind is so strong but it cant affect you, you made it to the top.

THe trip down again is great, you can enjoy thre surroundings, truly apprecieate everything you hadent noticed as you battled your way up. The wind is blowing with you now, you beat it, you didnt join it, it respects you!

I love seing what the world blows my way!

Today was a propler chill out day, RElaxed before work ths evening.

I was reading 2 Corinthians 5
It talks about being Gods ambasadors.
I really want to go for God, do his will!

Tonight i had a reminder that Gods will is not always what i want.

No one turned up to Reach the streets. Something else must have been on...

Was my purpose still to have sat in the empty building? did i miss a call? did God want me there?

Would it be as entertaining if we all knew what God wanted us to do?


Anonymous said...

Good post.